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21 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Joy Hagen | 831-459-3644 | Writing Program | UC-AFT Continuing Faculty | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hagen Joy |
Neil Schaefer | 000-000-0000 | Rachel Carson College | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Schaefer Neil |
Mary J Sierra | 831-459-2037 | Porter College | Budget Analyst | Staff | Porter / Kresge Business Office | Sierra Mary |
Katie Monsen | 831-222-0344 | Environmental Studies Department | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Environmental Studies | Monsen Katie |
Marielos C Ortiz-Mcguire | 831-459-2796 | Oakes College | Associate Director, College Student Life | Staff | Oakes College | Ortiz-Mcguire Marielos |
Shelly E Errington | 831-459-4667 (dept office) | Anthropology Department | Professor Emerita | Faculty | Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services | Errington Shelly |
Candace Calsoyas | 831-459-3516 | Rachel Carson College | lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College | Calsoyas Candace |
Danny Stanley Rodriguez | 831-459-4531 | Oakes College | Assistant Director of Colleges Advising, Oakes and Rachel Carson Colleges | Staff | Oakes College | Rodriguez Danny |
Julianne A Hazlewood | 415-726-7883 | Rachel Carson College | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hazlewood Julianne |
Raymundo I Reyes-Avila | 831 459 3468 | Rachel Carson College | Rachel Carson College Adviser | Staff | Rachel Carson College | Reyes-Avila Raymundo |
Ashton Kami Tong Theimer | 831-459-2033 | Rachel Carson College | College Academic Manager | Staff | Rachel Carson College | Theimer Ashton |
Wyatt Murphy Avilla | Rachel Carson College | Undergraduate | Avilla Wyatt |
Adderley Eleanor Dannley-Bearden | 8314593335 | Rachel Carson College | Rachel Carson College Housing Coordinator | Staff | Rachel Carson College | Dannley-Bearden Adderley |
Diana Itzel Sarabia Briseno Fitzsimmons | (831) 459-2361 | Rachel Carson College | College Academic Advisor | Staff | No Mailstop | Sarabia Briseno Fitzsimmons Diana |
Thomas Rettenwender | 831-920-8333 | Rachel Carson College | Architect | Faculty | Rachel Carson College | Rettenwender Thomas |
Shannon J Cummings | 831-999-0992 | Rachel Carson College | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College | Cummings Shannon |
Matthew Samer Aboujudom | Rachel Carson College | Undergraduate | Aboujudom Matthew |
Breanna Marie Lopez Cruz | Rachel Carson College | Undergraduate | Lopez Cruz Breanna |
Joseph Thomas Ensberg | Rachel Carson College | Undergraduate | Ensberg Joseph |
Jonathan Portillo | 8317130331 | Rachel Carson College | Cook | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Kitchen | Portillo Jonathan |
Maximillian M Schmeder | 000-000-0000 | Rachel Carson College | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Schmeder Maximillian |
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