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John R. Lewis College
Department Web Site831-459-5034
831-459-3159 Fax
Soc Sci 1, Room 217
M-F: 8AM - 5PM
Colleges 9 & 10 Administration
27 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Phillip L Hammack | 831-459-1050 | Psychology Department | Professor | Faculty | Psychology Faculty Services | Hammack Phillip |
Robert Majzler | 831-459-4876 | Psychology Department | Lecturer | Faculty | Psychology Faculty Services | Majzler Robert |
Tim Barbour | 831-459-4465 | College Nine | College Programs Coordinator for College Nine and John R. Lewis College | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Barbour Tim |
Erin Ramsden Talbot | 831-459-4069 | John R. Lewis College | College Nine & College Ten CoCurricular Programs Coordinator | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Ramsden Talbot Erin |
Alison Galloway | 831-502-7288 | Anthropology Department | Professor Emerita of Anthropology | Faculty | Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services | Galloway Alison |
Gabie Darlak | 831-459-3149 | John R. Lewis College | Assistant to Senior Director, College Student Life | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Darlak Gabie |
Sarah Harker | 831-459-3767 | College Nine | Housing Coordinator | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Harker Sarah |
Michelle Hernandez Romero | 000-000-0000 | John R. Lewis College | College Academic Manager | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Hernandez Romero Michelle |
Chelsea Hamnes | 831-459-5034 (Front Office) | Advising Office | College Academic Advisor | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Hamnes Chelsea |
Mark Ramone Gardner | 831-459-1253 | College Nine | Director of Academic and CoCurricular Programs | Faculty | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Gardner Mark |
Adrian Armando Campos Arenas | 831-459-5852 | College Nine | Lead Academic Preceptor | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Campos Arenas Adrian |
Christine L. King | 831-459-5034 (C9C10 admin) | John R. Lewis College | Lecturer, College Ten and Kresge | Member | Kresge College | King Christine |
Nicole Kelsey Britton | College Nine | Assistant College Programs Coordinator (ACPC) for College Nine and John R. Lewis College | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Britton Nicole |
Siobhan Rosaleen Byrne | 831-459-3834 | College Nine | Associate Director, College Student Life | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Byrne Siobhan |
Susan Maret | (831)459-2634 | John R. Lewis College | Lecturer | Faculty | No Mailstop | Maret Susan |
James Kenneth Bledsoe | John R. Lewis College | Undergraduate | Bledsoe James |
Ashley Kimberly Barraza-Cazares | Information Technology Services | Undergraduate | Barraza-Cazares Ashley |
Keaton Matthew Shawhan | John R. Lewis College | Undergraduate | Shawhan Keaton |
Gloria Salazar | 831-459-5034 | College Nine | College Advisor | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Salazar Gloria |
Jennifer Del Carmen Roldan Alvarado | (831) 459-5668 | College Nine | Assistant Director for Residential Education | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Roldan Alvarado Jennifer |
Ashton Philip Vera Perez | John R. Lewis College | Undergraduate | Vera Perez Ashton |
Marcus Satoshi Oyama Tierney | John R. Lewis College | Undergraduate | Tierney Marcus |
Riley Noble | (831) 459-3474 | John R. Lewis College | College Assistant | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Noble Riley |
Leandro Daniel Ramos-Ayvazian | John R. Lewis College | Undergraduate | Ramos-Ayvazian Leandro |
Sophia Magnone | John R. Lewis College | Lecturer | Faculty | Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services | Magnone Sophia |
Chris Hables Gray | 831-454-9361 | John R. Lewis College | Lecturer | Faculty | Crown College Admin Office | Gray Chris |
Wendy Anne Baxter | 831-459-3142 | College Nine | C9 & C10 Director of Academic and CoCurricular Programs | Staff | College 9 & John R. Lewis College Admin | Baxter Wendy |
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