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27 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Marcia Ochoa | 831-459-4356 | Department of Performance, Play & Design (PPD) | Associate Professor | Faculty | Theater Arts Center | Ochoa Marcia |
Kirsten Silva Gruesz | 831-459-2225 | Literature Department | Professor | Faculty | Humanities Academic Services | Gruesz Kirsten |
Elsa Silva | 831-459-3988 | Oakes College | Housing Coordinator | Staff | Oakes College | Silva Elsa |
Monique Lynn Windju | 831-459-4438 | Academic Excellence Program (ACE) | Physics and Math Learning Skills Advisor | Staff | Ace Program | Windju Monique |
Marie Morones | 831-459-2558 | Oakes College | College Assistant | Staff | Oakes College | Morones Marie |
Mark Baker | 831-459-3380 | Writing Program | Senior Continuing Lecturer in Writing | Faculty | EPC/Community Studies | Baker Mark |
Lindsay Elizabeth Knisely | 831-459-1829 | Oakes College | Continuing Lecturer, Oakes College & Writing Program | Faculty | EPC/Community Studies | Knisely Lindsay |
Mary J Sierra | 831-459-2037 | Porter College | Budget Analyst | Staff | Porter / Kresge Business Office | Sierra Mary |
Marielos C Ortiz-Mcguire | 831-459-2796 | Oakes College | Associate Director, College Student Life | Staff | Oakes College | Ortiz-Mcguire Marielos |
Leslie A Lopez | 831-459-4463 | Oakes College | Continuing Lecturer, PhD Anthropology | Faculty | Oakes College | Lopez Leslie |
Danny Stanley Rodriguez | 831-459-4531 | Oakes College | Assistant Director of Colleges Advising, Oakes and Rachel Carson Colleges | Staff | Oakes College | Rodriguez Danny |
Andrea Seeger | Oakes College | Lecturer and Core Course Coordinator, Oakes College | Faculty | Oakes College | Seeger Andrea |
Nirshan Rex-Boniface Perera | Writing Program | Lecturer | Faculty | Porter College | Perera Nirshan |
Jesse Pikorz | 831-459-1807 | Oakes College | Evaluation Analyst | Staff | EPC/Community Studies | Pikorz Jesse |
Clarissa Aracely Molina | 8314593393 | Oakes College | Coordinator for Residential Education | Staff | Oakes College | Molina Clarissa |
Christian Luke Galliguez | 831.459.3317 | Colleges, Housing & Educational Services (CHES) | College Programs Coordinator | Staff | Oakes College | Galliguez Christian |
Maria Dolores Castillo | (831)459-5602 | Oakes College | Oakes Student Life Office Assistant | Staff | Oakes College | Castillo Maria |
Derrick L Jones | 831-459-3516 (message) | Sociology Department | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Jones Derrick |
Zoe Marie Gromer | Oakes College | Undergraduate | Gromer Zoe |
Ella Rose Carroll | Oakes College | College Academic Manager | Staff | Oakes College | Carroll Ella |
Prisila Agredano | Education Department | Undergraduate | Agredano Prisila |
Sheyna Alyssa Burns | Center for Agroecology | Undergraduate | Burns Sheyna |
Diana Itzel Sarabia Briseno Fitzsimmons | (831) 459-2361 | Rachel Carson College | College Academic Advisor | Staff | No Mailstop | Sarabia Briseno Fitzsimmons Diana |
Ramiro Flores | 8314592544 | Oakes College | College Academic Advisor | Staff | No Mailstop | Flores Ramiro |
Andrew Daniel Moreno | Oakes College | Undergraduate | Moreno Andrew |
Jericho-Jaden Villanueva Apelo | Oakes College | Undergraduate | Apelo Jericho-Jaden |
Ami Mills | 650-424-8984 | Oakes College | Lecturer, Building An Inner Sanctuary | Faculty | Oakes College | Mills Ami |
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