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Results for Sustainability. 16 records matched your search request.

Michael Saul Isaacson

Michael Saul Isaacson

Narinder Singh Kapany Professor Emeritus

Baskin School of Engineering

Press Contact

Mike Isaacson

Narinder Singh Kapany Prof. Emeritus


Areas of expertise: Electrical Engineering, Energy, Science Education, Optics, Sustainability, Bioengineering, Material Science

Biography, Education and Training

Michael Isaacson is the Narinder Singh Kapany Professor emeritus, professor of electrical engineering. He was Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy and Power Systems (CenSEPS) at UCSC and Acting Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC from 2006 to 2009. He is recipient of numerous awards including a Hertz Foundation Fellowship, a Sloan Foundation Faculty Fellowship, the Burton Medal from the Microscopy Society of America, an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, the R... more »

Brent M Haddad

Brent M Haddad

Professor of Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies Department

Areas of expertise: Water Policy and Management, Renewable Energy, Environmental Policy, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

PhD, Energy and Resources, UC Berkeley, 1996 MBA, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 1991 MA, Georgetown University, 1985 BA, Stanford University, 1982

Flora E Lu

Flora E Lu

Professor, Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies Department

Areas of expertise: Environmental Studies, Community-based Research, Conservation, Diversity, Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, Intellectual Property, Latin American and Latino Studies, Social Justice, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Flora received her A.B. in Human Biology with honors from Stanford University in 1993 and Ph.D. in Ecology from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1999. A National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, UNC Royster Society Fellow, Lang Post-doctoral Fellow at Stanford University, and Stanford Distinguished Alumni Scholar, she studies the interrelationships between human societies and the natural environment with a geographic emphasis in the Neotropics. More recently, she is interested in conducting research more l... more »

Press Contact

Mark Carr



Areas of expertise: Ecology, Coastal Science, Conservation, Fisheries, Marine Biology, Population Dynamics, Sustainability, Science Communication

Biography, Education and Training

B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz M.S., San Francisco State University Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Material Science, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

B.A., Reed College Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Aerosols, Atmospheric Science, Environmental Studies, Oceanography, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Research Interests Global biogeochemical cycle of mercury Sea-air transfer of methylated mercury and impacts on coastal marine fog Fog water collection methods Using lichen as a bioindicator of atmospheric mercury deposition Mercury bioaccumulation in coastal terrestrial food webs Measuring isotopes of mercury for source apportionment Pollution source-receptor model validation using measurements Gas sensing with nanoparticles Environmental toxicology and justice Teaching Interests&... more »

Jeffrey T Bury

Jeffrey T Bury

Department Chair and Professor, Director, Center for Integrated Spatial Research (CISR), Associate Director, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Technologies, Applications, and Research (GISTAR) Program

Environmental Studies Department

Press Contact

Jeffrey Bury



Areas of expertise: Environmental Studies, Climate Change, Political Economy of Development, Geographic Information Systems, Glaciers, Conservation, Environmental Justice, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder M.A., The American University Honors B.A., University of Utah

Areas of expertise: Agroecology and Agriculture, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Katie Monsen is a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz, where she teaches a range of  upper- and lower-division courses from the introductory Physical & Chemical Environment to the finale of the Capstone in Environmental Problem Solving, as well as Freshwater and Wetland Ecology, the Agroecology Practicum (with special foci such as irrigation and in urban agriculture), and Agriculture and Climate Change. Katie also teaches a multidisciplinary intr... more »

Areas of expertise: Urban studies, Environmental History, Social Theory, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Hillary Angelo is an urban-environmental sociologist who studies understandings of the environment and their relationship to large-scale spatial and social transformations. Her work offers a social-theoretical perspective on socio-ecological questions through both historical and contemporary research on urban greening, sustainability planning and policy, infrastructure, and climate change. She is currently writing a book on the American West’s 610 million acre... more »

Areas of expertise: Entrepreneurship, Finance, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Scott is a Licensed CPA and Partner at Sensiba San Filippo LLP, California's first B-Corp accounting firm.  The firm has offices throughout Central and Northern California to serve private businesses and investors. His undergraduate degree is in Business and Economics with an Emphasis in Accounting from UC Santa Barbara.  He also has achieved the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board's (SASB) FSA certification and is building the firm's private company sustainability accounting and... more »

Areas of expertise: Activism, Environmental Justice, Science and Technology, American Studies, Sustainability, California History, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D., Geography, University of California, Berkeley B.A., Politics with Honors, Oberlin College

Areas of expertise: Activism, African Diaspora, Agroecology and Agriculture, Climate Change, Community Studies, Colonialism, Community-based Research, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Cultural Studies, Environmental Justice, Environmental Studies, Indigenous Peoples, International Development, Latin American and Latino Studies, Marxism, Social Justice, Sustainability, Tropical Forest

Biography, Education and Training

Dr. Juli Hazlewood is an Intercultural Geographer and activist, researcher, writer, and educator from Indiana (USA). She is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Roots & Routes IC, an organization dedicated to facilitating the sharing of cultural ways of knowing and compassion between diverse cultures en route to responsibly stewarding a flourishing living world.  For over two decades she has lived and walked with the Chachi, Awá, and Afro-descendant communities of Ecuador’s Pacific Northwes... more »

Anne R Kapuscinski

Anne R Kapuscinski

Professor of Environmental Studies, Director of Coastal Science & Policy program

Environmental Studies Department

Areas of expertise: Agroecology and Agriculture, Coastal Science, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy, Environmental Studies, Natural Resource Management, Sustainability

Biography, Education and Training

Biography and short CV of Anne Kapuscinski are at the "Meet the Team" link of Kapuscinski - Sarker Lab Group website; and "Staff" link on website of the Coastal Science and Policy program. EDUCATION   Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Biology B.A., 1976   Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Fisheries M.S., 1980   Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Fisheries Ph.D. & Water Resources minor, 1984   APPOINTMENTS   Inaugural Direct... more »

Areas of expertise: Computer Engineering, Agroecology and Agriculture, Sustainability, Computer Networks, Electrical Engineering

Biography, Education and Training

Colleen Josephson is an Assistant Professor at UC Santa Cruz in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and an AES Agronomist. She is also affilaited with the Computer Science Engineering department and the Center for Agroecology. Her research interests include wireless communication and sensing systems, with a focus on technologies to enable and improve sustainable practices. She was formerly a research scientist at VMware, where her work focused on sustainable telecommunications.&n... more »

Press Contact

Abel Souza

Assistant Professor

Areas of expertise: Cloud Computing, Sustainability, Energy

Biography, Education and Training

  I am an Assistant Professor in the CSE Department at UC Santa Cruz. My research focuses on advancing the understanding of computing systems, ranging from small embedded devices to large-scale data centers. It includes resource planning and the implementation of optimal strategies for distributed systems with extensive tests under real-world settings. Recently, my work has explored sustainable, carbon-aware approaches to the design and management of cloud data centers and cyber-physical s... more »

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